
We Insure you for FREE

You don`t have to worry because Easymoves has you fully covered.

We insure your removal with Reason Global for you up to €50,000 for free. That`s right it costs you absolutely nothing!!!

The reason why we can afford to offer you free insurance it’s because we are confident we are just that good. Your goods are handled with the utmost care and professionalism. This gives you confidence and trust in us at all times. That is why we are willing to offer you free insurance. We are confident in the service we provide. We are proud of the fact that in the ten years we have been offering free insurance we have never claimed on our insurance policy and this keeps our premiums low. We are, however aware that sometimes things do go wrong. On the rare occasions that this happens we are always on hand to resolve any issues without any fuss and further inconvenience to yourselves. So because it doesn’t cost us we can pass this saving onto you.

Our free insurance will give you the peace of mind you want against the unexpected whilst leaving you more money in your pocket.

Click Here to download a copy of our terms & conditions & insurance policy.